eight8eight Designed for YoYoFactory Contest Team the eight8eight was the 'it' yo-yo of 2007. In terms of manufacturing it ushered in a new era of quality and precision in manufacturing for YoYoFactory in response for customers' demands for absolute perfection. The eight8eight has continued to become one of the best selling modern high end performance yo-yos ever. In Novemeber 2007 the '08' edition was released which uses a higher quality alloy and slight refinements to continue to offer you the player the best available. The performance possibilities of the eight8eight were highlighted with 4 national titles being won on the eight8eight including the USA national champion in 2007 Yuuki Spencer who also took out the 2007 World Yo-Yo Contest 1A title on an eight8eight. The eight8eight was also selected by the American YoYo Association as its 'Yo-Yo of the Year' in 2007. With an improved finish and absolute precision smoothness the 888 is a must have yoyo for any collection. The new box comes with a DVD, 5 poly strings, a yoyo holder and two bearings one for responsive play and one for unresponsive play.